The Songs That People Sing

First let's hear somebody sing me a record that cries pure and true

Month: January, 2010

Computer problems

Waiting for a fix.

Be right back. 😉

Goldie Lookin’ Chain

This takes me back to my honeymoon!!

Princess Superstar

Here’s something I’d forgotten about. This track made me laugh almost as much as Goldie Lookin’ Chain’s Your Missus Is A Nutter….


Coffee and cigarettes and the slow drip drip drip of the thaw.

Sounds For Sunday On Friday

Here’s a little something for your weekend. A nice little dancer from the 70s that sounds like it would have fit into a mid 80s Style Council set. Lovely little bassline and some nice vocals.

Reachers – I Just Want To Do My Own Thing

Remember, whatever it is that you do, enjoy yourself. I don’t mind the oranges. Honestly 😉

New tunes…

I don’t often post new stuff, but lately I’m listening to a lot of current stuff. Here’s a couple of bits and pieces that have gotten under my skin lately.

The first by Plan B is a nice bit of punky Dexys go Hip Hop, with a very cool video. If I was 16 this would make me want to go out and form a band.

The second is another British rapper, Example, only this is a lot more pop, but with a catchy as hell chorus.

After a couple of years of digging backwards into various musics (folk, reggae, psych) I find myself listening more and more to current stuff. It’s a matter of location and availability though. I don’t often have the iPod turned up loud these days, and running around after the little man it’s easier to have the tv on and tuned into music channels. These bursts of tune just seem to be seeping in.

They also sound ‘Now’, and not overly retro. Mid Life Crisis? Maybe. But if this is the sign of things to come I’m happy to be driving this particular red sports car!

Willie Mitchell

Just heard that Willie Mitchell has upped and left us.

Here’s some vintage Willie: The Champion.

Keep It In The Family

Just recently found out that a member of my family was a bonafide pop star in the 50s, with several top twenty hits to his name. His name was Tony Brent, and he was a cousin or an uncle of my grandmother on my father’s side.

Here’s one of those Youtube things with a song playing to some random clip, plus an old Pathe clip with Tony and Mike And Bernie Winters. Pretty cool!

Here’s a Wikipedia page too.

(a rogue-ish member of my family was sent to live with him back in the 40s when Tony was still living in India and working as a mechanic. That member of the family when I knew him was a mechanic. Obviously learnt his trade there…)